Literatuur: 1914-1918 Gibraltar
Mark, G. Zivilzensur in Gibraltar 1e Weltkrieg. AGZ Rundbriefe 95 / 2000. P23-27.
Mark, G. WWl – Gibraltar. CCSG 2000, 27, 1, p 17-20.
Mark, G. WWI – London Censors in Gibraltar. CCSG 2016, 43, 1, p 9-13.
Mark, G. Postal Censorship at Gibraltar during WWI. In: C.C.S.G. Bulletin. 2018, 45, 4, p 160-169
Stanford T. Gibraltar WW I censor marks. In; CCSG Bulletin. 2012, 39, 2, p 105-110.

Literatuur: Gibraltar
Philatelie et Marcophilie de la 2nde guerre mondiale :
Gibraltar: WW 2 censor seals and markings. CCSG 1974, 1, 4, p 44-47.
Burrows, P. WWII – Gibraltar Updates. CCSG 2018, 45, 2, p 55-60.
Daynes, J. en Morenweiser , K. WW II – GIBRALTAR, Censorship of Terminal Mail. CCSG 2005, 32, 3, p 129-140.
Little, J. Early WW 2 Gibraltar Censor Labels. CCSG 1981, 8, 5, p 76-80.
Little, D.J. and Torrence, A.R. (2011) British Empire Civil Censorship Devices World War II, Colonies and Occupied Territories in the Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. 172p.
Morenweiser , K. CCSG Cataloging Project WW 2 ; Gibraltar. CCSG 1987, 15, 1, p 10-13.
Morenweiser , K. WW II – The Interim Labels and Large Number Handstamps
used in United Kingdom and Gibraltar. CCSG 1998, 25, 4, p 111-113.
Torrance, T. WW 2: Gibraltar: the ‘IA’ coded devices . CCSG 1990, 17, 3, p 24-28.
Torrance, A.R. Britische Zensur in Gibraltar 1939 bis 1945. Buchstabencode ‘A’ oder ‘IA’ (Nach einer Studie von ). AGZ Rundbriefe 39 / 1983. P 94-96.
White, M. WWII ~ GIBR.ALTAR – Some Recent Acquisitions. CCSG 2007, 34, 4, p 147-154.