
Literatuur: 1914-1918 Hongarije

Literatuur: 1919- Hongarije
Gazda, I. POST WWI – HUNGARY . CCSG 2004, 31, 2, p 43-54 + CCSG 2004, 31, 3, p 90-103. This article is based upon a lecture I gave at the 4th Hungarian-Austrian Postal History Symposium at Bilk on 30-31 August 2003. There are some additions to the original text.
Istvan, G. Die Postzensur in Ungarn nach dem 1e Weltkrieg. AGZ Rundbriefe 79 / 1994. Anlage 1. 16S.

1941 brief van Hongarije naar de Verenigde Staten met censuur van Hongarije.

Literatuur: 1940-1945 Hongarije
Gazda, I. WW II – Hungary civil censorship. CCSG Bulletin. 2001, 28, 1, p 8-14

Literatuur: Hongarije
Philatelie et Marcophilie de la 2nde guerre mondiale : http://ww2philatelie.olafarge.fr/2019/06/05/hongrie-marcophilie/