Hallam, M. Irish Wars 1919-1923. CCSG 2019, 46, 1, p 19.
Winkelmann, K. Post-WW 1 : Eire – IRA censorship. Karl Winkelmann. CCSG 1985, 12, 6, p 68-69 + CCSG 2008, 35 2, p 57.

Literatuur: Ierland
McManus, J.L. The Censored Covers of Ireland 1939-1945. CCSG 1976, 3, 4, p 33-38 + CCSG 1976, 4, 1, p 2-6.
Moxter, H.G. Die irische Postzensur in den fruhen zwanziger Jahren. AGZ Rundbriefe 53 / 1987. P 50-54.
Moxter, H.G. Postzensur in Irland im Spiegel der Karikatur. AGZ Rundbriefe 66 / 1991. P 45-46.
Moxter, H.G. Ein Schlussel zur Bestimmung Irischer Zensurpost aller Zeitepochen. AGZ Rundbriefe 91 / 1998. P 63-65.
Moxter, H.G. WW I I II, Eire, A Nomenclature for Describing Irish Censorship Markings of all Periods. CCSG 1998, 25, 3, p 66-67.
Moxter, H.G. Irland – der Verschlussstreifen S.P.1. AGZ Rundbriefe 102 / 2002. Anlage 1. 24S.
Moxter, H.G. (2003) Censorship of Mail in Ireland, 125p.
O’Drisceoil, D. Censorship in Ireland 1939-1945, Neutrality, Politics & Society. Cork University Press, 1996. ISBN 1859180736.
Verge, C.J.G. The Irish S.P.1 Censor labels. CCSG 1988, 15, 6, p 87-99.