

Literatuur: 1914-1918 Rusland
Barry, J. Russian war censored covers, 1914/1918. The British Journal of Russian Philately. 1956, 20. p. 604-610. About: censor markings of the diffent places.
Carnevale-Mauzan, M. Politische zensur der Drucksachen im zaristischen Russland. AGZ Rundbriefe 93 / 1999. P62-70.
Combs, G. Moscow censorship during World War I. Rossica 2002, 138. p. 62-82. About: historical background , censorship of foreign publications, the Black Chamberscivil censorship of prisoners mail, military censorship.
Epstein, A. Russian postal censorship in the Baltic during WW1 (1914-1917). Rossica 1994. 123, p. 27-41. survey {}
Kahrs, C. Tsarist Estonian censor markings and labels. Eesti Filatelist – The Estonian Philatelist. 1976; 18-19. p. 3-11. About: censorship: many illustrations, article in English.
Skipton, D.M. Watchmen At the Gates : censorship of Foreign Printed Matter in Imperial Russia. Rossica. 2006, 146, p. 3-47. About: censorship, also overview of history and background.
Speeckaert, A. Russian Postal Censorship 1914-18, the basic work on Russia Postal Censorship 1914-18. Issued in 1990, in German and English, 325 pp., every cancel is illustrated, with valuations in points, cpl. with supplement of 1997, 55 p.
Taitl, H. (1984) Russland Zensurstempel 1914/18, 273p.
Warr, N.C. Moscow censor marks 1914 – 18. The British Journal of Russian Philately. 1980, 57. p. 29-32, 1981, 58. p. 35-37, 1982, 59, p. 48-49

Literatuur; 1939-1945 Sovjet Unie
Bruin, A. de en Wijnen, R, van. Russische censuurstempels 1944-1945 in het Baltische gebied. Het Baltische Gebied. 1999, 35. p. 94-108.
Klabes, A. Zensurstempel der Sowjetunion fur Auslandspost 1942-1945. AGZ Rundbriefe 67 / 1991. P 29-30.
Leppa, A. Die Postzersur der UDSSR im 2. Weltkrieg. AGZ Rundbriefe 31 / 1981. p 97-99
Metzner, W. Zur Katalogisierung sowjetischer Rauten-Militarzensurstempel. AGZ Rundbriefe 111 / 2005. p 63-70.
Metzner, W. Zur Katalogisierung sowjetischer Rauten-Militarzensurstempel. AGZ Rundbriefe 149 / 2019. p 18-21.
Nolle, M. en Winikorow, A. Die Militarzensurin der Sovjetunion wahrend des 2. Weltkrieges. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Russland Philatelie. 2004, 81, 29-33.
Skipton, D.M. and Peter A. Michalove. Postal censorship in Imperial Russia.
Urbana, Ill.USA : J.H. Otten. 1989. 2 dln. ISBN 0-945629-001.

Literatuur; 1945- Sovjet Unie
Grigorev, V. Post-WW2: Soviet secret censorship. CCSG 1986, 16, 1, p 24-33.
Jakimovs, N. De Russische censuurstempels, gebruikt in het gebied van de latere republiek Letland. Het Baltische Gebied. 1986, 7, 17 p. About: Russian censorship in the territory of later Latvia, 1890-1901, 1914-1917.
Petri, O. Sovjet postcensuur in Litouwen : hoeveel werk had de censuurafdeling eigenlijk te doen? Het Baltische Gebied. 2017, 70. p. 38-39. About: censorship in the Lithuanian Sovietrepublic: how much work. Besed on the book of David Skipton and Steve Volis (‘Soviet Clandestine mail Surveillance, 1917-1991’).
Petri, O. Geslaagde ontmaskering van de postcensuur in de Sovjet-Unie. In; Filatelie. 2016, september p 556-557.
Rademacher, B. : Sowjetische Briefzensur in der DDR, in AGZ Rundbrief. 2015. #141, pp 36-41. An illustrated article showing the 7 censor stations, their censor numbers and the major towns they served.
Wallen, P.C. (2018) Soviet Censorship During the Great Patriotic War. 80 p.
Literatuur algemeen:
Engel, A. Censorship in the Soviet Union During “The Great Patriotic War”. CCSG 1982, 9, 2, p 48-53.
Kossoy, M. Censorship of postal correspondence in Russia. The British Journal of Russian Philately. 2000, 84, p. 4-11. Overview.