
1937 brief van Zweden naar Spanje met Spaanse censuur (San Sebastian).

Literatuur: 1936-1939 Spanje
CERVERA GIL, J. Historias mínimas: las cartas en la Guerra Civil española (Minimal stories: Letters in the Spanish civil war). Hispania Nova. 2017, 15, págs. 125 a 146. Abstract: The letters have minimum but essential stories of the Spanish Civil War. They have the most humane and closer to the true reality of the Spaniards who lived through that war and his rearguard. This paper analyzes the operation of the mail and its difficulties, the material used to write letters, the language express the cultural level of Spanish. The analysis of letters reveal the topics that interest the spanish. A comprehensive landscape of the everyday reality of the Spanish who participated in the War of Spain.
Dutton, M.. Between WWS – an introduction to censorship during the Spanish civil war – part 1: 1936. CCSG Bulletin. 2014, 41, 2, p 58-61. Part 2: 1936 – 1937 CCSG Bulletin. 2015, 42, 1, p 15-18.
Sanchez, J.G. Die Postzensur in Nationalspanien wahrend des Burgerkrieges. AGZ Rundbriefe 73 / 1992. P 21-34.
Shelley G., R. (1967). The Postal History of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. Spanish Philatelic Society Bookclub (1974).

Literatuur: SPANJE
Heller, E. Marcas utilizadas por la Censura postal Nacional de 1936 a 1945. LINDNER Filatélica Ibérica, S.A. 2000. 550 Seiten.